As an academic institute with a diverse network of partners, we curate and provide unique learning environments both in-house and internationally for students and researchers to explore their interests and contribute to our program in meaningful ways.

International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) Flood Resilience Program (FRP)
National Science Foundation
Yoonjeong Lee
The National Science Foundation (NSF) funded International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) Flood Resilience Program (FRP) between the U.S. and the Netherlands provides students with international research experiences under the guidance of faculty and researchers from multiple disciplines in both countries. Each year of the program, U.S. students engage in an immersive, six-week problem-and place-based research experience in the Netherlands, a world leader in flood risk mitigation and management. The primary goal of the program is to prepare the next generation of engineers and scientists that will have to tackle the societal problem of widespread flooding in an innovative fashion.
IRES has a supplement program that is also sponsored by NSF. NSF has awarded IDRT with supplemental funding for the IRES program. The purpose is to provide students that are unable to travel abroad (e.g. due to family obligations) with international research experiences. Dutch students and researchers will come to A&M Galveston to work with these students. Students will conduct case studies around the Houston/Galveston areas on flood risk reduction.

Flood Resilient Aggies Program (FRAP)
Yoonjeong Lee
The Flood Resilient Aggies Program (FRAP) is a unique international research program developed to provide an immersive experience for students interested in flood resilience. Participating students will take part in research discourse sessions guided by a binational faculty team leading to an individual case study on flood resilience in the Netherlands. After completing the program, students will present their work at the annual “Disaster Resilient Research Symposium” held by IDRT. The top performing students will subsequently be funded to attend an international flood conference.
The FRAP program will build upon and extend resources and existing networks through collaboration with other programs and may provide an avenue for a student exchange program between Texas A&M University (TAMU) and Delft University of Technology (TUD). Through collaborative funding from various programs and colleges, FRAP will provide its students a carefully designed problem- and place-based research education experience focused on flood resilience.

Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE)
National Science Foundation
Jens Figlus
Meri Davlasheridze
William Merrell
Coastal floods are the most costly, disruptive, and life-threatening hazard worldwide. The negative impacts of these storm events are increasing in the United States (U.S.) and abroad. In response to this growing problem, this project will establish a research and education program on coastal Flood Risk Reduction (FRRP) between the U.S. and the Netherlands. This international collaboration will support excellence in research and learning across the engineering and management sciences, leading to new knowledge that will transform the way floods are dealt with in the U.S and around the world. Recognizing that now, more than ever, scientific innovation is needed to better understand the causes and consequences of coastal flooding, this project will bring together the world’s top researchers to generate new solutions that will help local decision makers reduce loss of both property and human lives in the future.
Details about 2023 PIRE program can be found HERE.

Texas Coastal Atlas
The Coastal Atlas is a detailed and comprehensive web-based program providing information for anyone wanting to know more about the Texas coast. Presently, the coastal atlas is the most comprehensive online, interactive database ever compiled about the Texas coast. Serving as a central access point for all geographic data related to twenty-nine coastal counties in Texas, the Atlas offers comprehensive information about every area of the Texas coast down not only to the city block, but also to an individual house or lot on that block.