
IDRT Faculty Member and Former Student are Showcased at SXSW
United By Disaster: Two researchers connect 12 years after Hurricane Katrina to aid disaster-damaged communities. Written by Rebecca Watts Published on Texas A&M Stories Click here

IDRT faculty member, Dr. Ashley Ross, recently published in LSE
In new research Ashley Ross, Stella M. Rouse, Isabella Alcañiz and Alejandra Marchevsky examine who Americans feel are deserving of federal aid during climate disasters.

Buyers Aware Officially Launches!
The Institute for a Disaster Resilient Texas (IDRT) is proud to announce the launch of Buyers Aware, a web-based analytical tool to assess the flood

IDRT Team builds upon DRIP work for new NSF Grant
Pictured Above: Co-Principal Investigators Dr. Keri Stephens and Dr. Andrew Juan meet with Priscilla Vargas, Mayor of Premont, and Todd Wright, City Manager of Orange

Check out IDRT Faculty’s newly released report “The Market Incentives Study – Resilient Structures.”
Texas A&M University of Galveston (TAMUG) was contracted by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) to conduct a study of the effects of resilient structures

Dr. Sam Brody demos Buyers Aware on Evening News
During the interview, Dr. Brody share’s IDRT’s new program that helps Texans better understand their flood risk in heavy rain events. It’s called Buyer’s Aware,